DWI Lawyer Austin TX- In the event that you end up finding yourself charged with a DWI in the state of Texas, chances are you’re already likely aware of just how serious the consequences of such a charge can be. Thankfully, despite all of this, there are many different methods that you can utilize in order to fight a DWI charge, as everything that you do immediately following being arrested, as well as during all of the various legal proceedings, can make fighting this kind of a charge much easier.

Here are three different ways in which you can make your DWI arrest in Texas easier to fight.

*First and foremost, perhaps one of the best ways to fight your Texas DWI arrest is to begin working on everything involving your case as quickly as possible. This is because timelines involving fighting this kind of a charge can be extremely strict. For instance, you could find yourself in front of a judge within the span of a few hours to a few days following your arrest. Furthermore, in the event that you wish to contest the suspension of your driver’s license, you will only have 15 days from the date of your arrest in order to do so. This means that you will need to immediately begin work involving tracking down witnesses, obtaining evidence, and building up a strong defense.

*Another useful way to help fight your DWI arrest in the state of Texas is to refuse to take the chemical test whenever it’s offered to you. Many of these types of cases will see you offered either a chemical breath test or a blood test, the results of which are oftentimes more accurate than the results that would be otherwise obtained by a more traditional roadside breath test, thereby making them much more difficult to challenge in court. Despite the fact that laws involving implied consent mandate that you agree to be subject to chemical testing involving a DWI, it’s important to note that you are well within your legal rights to politely refuse the test, as taking it could end up causing you to be incriminated further down the line. Furthermore, while refusing to take a chemical test can likely end up in your driver’s license getting suspended, it also means a major difference between your freedom and a criminal conviction.

*One other important way to fight your DWI arrest in Texas is to make sure that you request each and every bit of the evidence involving your specific case. No matter what you may otherwise be told, you have a legal right to know any and all of the evidence against you. Despite this, the district attorney won’t just simply volunteer information to you. Thankfully, there are many different ways in which you can obtain evidence against you, such as serving the district attorney with a discovery demand and filing Freedom of Information Act requests to all of the various law enforcement agencies. By ensuring that you obtain all of the evidence regarding your specific case, you will be able to determine exactly where the biggest weaknesses in the state’s case are, thereby making it that much easier to fight the charges against you.