When it comes to Halloween, the holiday is about more than just getting candy and celebrating all things scary. It’s also about dressing up in amazing and creative costumes and trying to show that your costume is better than someone else’s. And what is a hardworking law professional to do? Dress in a way that is simultaneously fun and clever, of course.

This can also be the case for law professionals and students alike. Here are three great law-related costume ideas:

Lady Justice

If you want to go more elegant, grab a (fake) sword, set of weighing scales, and robe! Lady Justice is a classy and simple Halloween costume for a legal theme this Halloween.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Donald Trump

While there certainly will be plenty of costumes depicting Donald Trump this year in some form or another, it’s safe to say not so many will pair up President Trump and Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg together. Since Ginsburg had previously stated that she “couldn’t even contemplate” a presidential administration led by Trump, it could make a fun couple or duo friends costume!

Constitutional Amendment Themes

Any number of costume ideas can be extrapolated from the Bill of Rights. Any number of “bear arm” puns, Country vs. State duo costumes, and Justice of the Peace ideas can be made from the Bill of Rights. Certain schools, fairs, and festivals have banned clown costumes across the board, so you could also go as a clown to express your First Amendment Right to free speech and protest as a clown (though no guaranteed results).

Zombie Antonin Scalia

The impact of late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, is something that will be felt for a long time to come. His influence seems to have touched the brains of many jurists. In the spirit of brains, so taking the opportunity to dress as a zombie version of Scalia is sure to get a few laughs.

You are really only limited by your own creativity this Halloween!

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